A House Of Nightmares – Part 2

Instantly I took off towards the screaming. It was as if someone was torturing a child and the rage that began bubbling within me became too much to withstand. I ran as fast as I could ignoring the fact that my lungs felt as though they were going to explode and each step was a reminder of the hundreds of splinters in my feet. I found myself sprinting up staircases, running past eyes that peered at me through open doors, and down hallways that seemed to take centuries to get down. Finally I found myself at the room where the screaming was coming from. With one slam of the door (impressive right?) I found myself in a room that looked almost identical to Merlin’s Dark Tower. Long hair like ropes hung all over the dark ceiling dripping with black goo. My eyes darted from each corner of the room until I saw my niece. She sat off center in the room screaming. An intercom microphone lay beside her. Clearly that was the cause of her voice echoing through out this creeptastic house. Without dropping my sword I ran to her.

Instantly I picked her up and began rocking her. Trying to sooth her screams until they became a muffled cry. As I felt her tears soaking into my tattered dress I could feel my anger intensifying at the fact that someone could leave her in this hell house, and for a moment I forgot I was in a dream. Of course, I was well aware that this would never happen but honestly, I didn’t care. I had to get her out. I had to get her to safety…somehow.

Pressing her into me I sprinted to the entrance and jumped over the broken down door. Suddenly, I became disoriented from a blinding light that shone above me. Squinting hard I looked up to see that I was somehow outside. Slowly as my vision came into focus I realized that I was now in my childhood backyard. I no longer was holding my niece or my sword.

“Shut the door! You’re going to let all the cold air out,” my brother called from the pool.

I looked around to make sure my surroundings were real. The screen door was in fact open and after closing it I walked over to the pool edge, still utterly lost in what was happening.

“Dude, did you just wake up? You look like crap,” my brother said staring at me intently.

“Uhh…ye-yeah. I’m fine,” I said back as I pinched myself. I felt the pain that should have told me I was awake but my gut thought differently.

“Okaayy…So are you going swimming or what?”

“Yeah, I guess. I mean, I had the absolute weirdest dream,” I started stepping into the pool even though every part of me wanted to run away.

“Don’t you have a blog or something for those?” he asked.

“Yup. But I don’t write much in it. Always forget. Anyways…” I began explaining the terror I had experienced and even though my gut kept nagging at me I ignored it. I was done being terrified. I just wanted to tell someone else of the horrors I had experienced and anyways it felt like it had been days since the last time I talked to an actual person.

After I finished a smirked appeared on my brother’s face.

“So you think you’re awake, right?”

“Well, to be honest I’m not exactly sure.”

“So you think I’m in your head or something?”

I began to move to the edge of the pool. Something told me I needed to get out and get out quickly. “Uhh…”

“Where are you going? You don’t want to keep swimming?” He said with a smirk so devilish that it was more terrifying than the sudden turn of dark clouds and black water.

All of a sudden I felt myself being dragged deeper into the water and as my brother laughed manically I prayed that it would end quickly. Just as my head had been fully submerged I felt a hand grab me, pulling me up and out of the black water.

“Get up! Hurry!” I heard a familiar voice yelling at me as they tried pulling me to my feet. I opened my eyes and spit the water out of my mouth. To my surprise and relief it was Sam Winchester. I grabbed his hand and we ran as the image of my brother flickered into another empty room with goo hanging from the ceiling.

We sprinted down the halls, stopping to kill various creatures that came at us. Along the way Sam explained that there was only one room in the house that actually lead to reality. That the only way to escape was to find it and that he had but when he heard my screams he came back to find me. Even though Sam was clearly a figment of my imagination I trusted him. He was after all one of the Winchesters who saved people from all sorts of crazy supernatural things, and if anyone where to come and save me from this terror it would be him.

Finally after running and stabbing and being attacked time and time again we made it to the room Sam had been talking about. As soon as we got in he slammed the door shut, locked it, and then pushed an armoire in front of it.

“Okay, we’re here.” He said through breaths.

Trying to catch my breath I looked around. The room was somewhat large, filled with cobwebs and dust with a bed in the middle and a few chairs near the window. Only there was no doors other than the one that we came through and the one that clearly lead to a closet.

“So where is it?” I asked. When Sam didn’t respond I asked again. He was standing near the window now, and as he put his hand on the glass it began to freeze around it. Time seemed to stand still and I knew I had been tricked. Still I pressed, “Sam? Ar- are you okay?”

Slowly Sam turned around and smirked, “Sorry but Sam’s not here at the moment. May I take a message?”

I felt my eyes widen and tried to swallow a scream that would never be heard, “Lucifer?”

“BINGO!” He began walking towards me and although I wanted to bolt my feet felt like they were glued to the floor. He brushed the back of his palm along my check and while pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear said, “What’s wrong? Too chilly for you? I get that a lot you know. People always think I should be hot or something but then again, why would they say something is as cold as hell? Doesn’t make sense to me.”

My eyes were fixed on him but it felt as though all emotions had abandoned me.

“Well, you’re not nearly as fun to talk to as I’d hope,” he said with a sigh. Walking away from me.

I knew what was going to happen and tried to mentally prepare myself. To accept it as an escape from this horrid nightmare.

“Just to let you know I did enjoy watching you run around all frightened. Your face when you saw your niece! Priceless. And that dress made it all that much better,” he said facing me, “I thought capturing you might be fun but honestly, its not. I think you’ve become too used to the fear. Oh well! See you again another time!” With that he flicked his hand at me as if shooing away a stubborn fly.

I felt my head whip hard to one side and like that I shot up in my bed. Looking around I saw my roommate sleeping in the other bed across the room and the sun creeping through the shades. After taking a few deep breaths I fell back on my pillow and for the first time in forever I actually felt happy to be back in reality.

A House Of Nightmares – Part 1

I knew it was a dream but I couldn’t stop the fear from running up my spine. The hairs on my arms shot up as I sprinted down the long hallway, the clicking of my heels echoing behind me. “Wake up Rachel! For God’s sake wake up!” I shouted in my head but it clearly wasn’t working. They were coming.

“Hurry!” Someone screamed at me from the end of the hallway.

I could hear them now. Coming. Slowly but surely they were coming. The muffled noises of growls and mechanical screeches were now evident. I risked a glance behind and could barely see the first of the monsters turning the corner. Its body was a mixture of various animals but all mechanic. They seemed to be picking up speed as if they could smell the fear vibrating off of me.

All I could see in front of me was the dim light coming from the room ahead and the shape of the person that had yelled for me to hurry. I was close but even if I got to the room how could I know I’d be safe? I hardly even knew where I was. I remember lying on a pillow and then feeling as if I had been transported into a hotel. I found myself putting makeup on, a feeling of excitement rolling around in my stomach. Some how I knew I was finally going to an awards show. Possibly the Oscars or the Tonys. And I know, that sounds crazy to think it was real, but at the time it didn’t seem like a dream. No, it was real. Everything felt real.

I had a short dress that at the time was beautiful but now was splotched with dirt and torn in various areas. I remember walking outside the hotel and into a limousine. At the time I felt wonderful and almost powerful, like I was someone important. As we drove I thought of all the amazing things that would happen tonight but little did I know what was in store for me. When I got out of the limo cameras were going off everywhere. Clearly I have never been to an awards show so in all honesty it was as if I were in a movie where the main actress walks straight out onto the red carpet and gets pictures taken of them from all directions. At that point I should have realized it was a dream. I should have reminded myself that I’m nothing more than the average college student. That even if I were to go to an awards show I would most certainly not be the one walking on the red carpet. Although it shouldn’t have made sense, I smiled and walked to the entrance. Only when I stepped inside my setting had changed. No longer were there cameras all around me. There were no handsome actors or beautiful actresses. In fact, there was no one. I looked around as realization began to settle in.

I found myself in the entrance of the most sinister house my imagination could come up with. Instantly I tried to leave but the door was locked from the outside. I felt myself beginning to hyperventilate. I knew it was a dream the moment my settings had changed but waking up didn’t seem like an option. After roaming through the house looking for an way out I found I wasn’t alone in the house. Creatures of nightmares lurked in the shadows. Each one looking for something to devour and I became their prey. Now here I was running for my life with the hope that the person down the hall truly was someone I knew.

“Almost there! You can do it!” The voice encouraged me on but as I risked looking back I wasn’t sure I’d make it.

The creatures were close and suddenly only a few feet from the door I tripped. It was as if time slowed down as I slowly stumbled to the ground and slid on the old wooden floor. I tried to get up but I could feel myself being pulled backwards.

“Help!” I screamed towards the figure in the doorway but they did nothing. I began kicking and thrashing my hands toward the creature that was trying to pull me backwards. Finally I was able to break free and ran the rest of the way to the room now with only one heel on my foot. As I slammed the door behind me I could hear the monsters scratching at it. Trying to get in. My foot was bleeding from where the creature had grabbed on me with hands? Claws?

“Why the heck didn’t you help me?” I said turning around to the person that had been standing near the edge of a bed in the corner of the room. But when I glanced up from tending to my bloody foot the figure was gone. ‘Oh crap,’ was all I could think of before I heard the noise of rain pattering on the roof above me. Clearly this was a trap. But nothing about this room seemed as evil as what was outside it. Yeah, of course it could have used some major TLC but other than the cobwebs and dirt everywhere it seemed safe, or at least safer than being with those hideous monsters. I sat on the bed and with my head in my hands tried to lower my heart rate. Again I repeated to myself: “Everything’s going to be okay. Just wake up. You can do it. Just open your eyes and be back home. For God’s sake just wake up. When you open your eyes you’ll be in your nice warm bed.”

When I opened my eyes nothing around me had changed. The pattering on the roof became loader. As I got up to look out the window I realized there was a note resting on the nightstand.

“Take this. And don’t forget to run.”

As if by magic I found a small sword resting where the note had been. To my realization it was Sting, the very sword that Bilbo had used in The Hobbit. I grabbed it and with a gulp of fear headed to the window. To my terror there was no rain but still the pattering on the roof grew loader. I began backing away from the walls but it was too late. They started to crack and out of them came none other than large black spiders. I ran to the door but again I found myself locked from the inside. The spiders sprinted towards me with speed that seemed unimaginable. I began slashing.
Soon my legs were covered in them. I could feel them winding their disgusting web around me. I began thrashing around. Trying to kick at them, slash, whatever.
“FOR GOD’S SAKE RACHEL WAKE UP!!!!” I screamed internally.
The spider’s web was now tightly around my legs and nearing my hips. Spider guts were all over me but still I slashed. At least they had finally stopped coming from out of the walls. I slashed for what felt like an eternity more before the last of them where dead. Then without hesitation I cut the webbing that was now over my left arm. After getting free I slammed myself into the door. The pitter-pattering of deadly spiders began again. I mean of course there’d be more. Why wouldn’t there be in this God forsaken place?!
After slamming into the door about four more times I fell through and found that the mechanical creatures had disappeared. Getting up I followed the instructions of the note and ran. I ran through endless hall after hall, but nothing seemed to follow me. I slowly came to a stop but after walked for not even a minute I could hear the loudest, most soul-crushing scream my brain could fathom.

The Princess Bride

So I had a very entertaining dream last night and I was sad that it ended early when I woke up…

I found myself talking movies with a bunch of people and trying to get them to understand why these movies were so good. Well I for some reason I began talking about the Haunted Mansion and was all “Oh my goodness, did you guys know that the short evil dude from The Princess Bride is in the Haunted Mansion! I love The Princess Bride!” This then caused me to have a strong desire to watch The Princess Bride and I basically mentally dropped out of the conversation.

Well imagining some of my favorite scenes it occurred to me that I was in a dream and I could basically do whatever the heck I wanted. So I pulled out a remote from out of no where and clicked pause. Everything around me paused and a door appeared. I walked through and arrived in a huge empty theater with previews playing on the screen. I sat down in the middle row, feet on the bar, it was magnificent. Then this dude came in with a huge bag of popcorn and a water. After he left the lights dimmed and I got ready to watch The Princess Bride.

The only thing sad about that dream was I woke up just as Westley was telling Prince Humperdinck how he would kill him if he didn’t tie himself up in the chair. (You know the part, Westley is on the bed and acting all chill).

Dreams Are Real

Okay, I haven’t posted in forever, I know. I’ve been on vacation and haven’t had time to write out my dreams. Well here’s one that is quit long and quit detailed. I original dreamt this dream a lot shorter (if that makes sense) but since I didn’t initially write it down I started day dreaming more to it. Thus, here is the final product. 

Dreams are real. Well at least they are while you’re dreaming? This sounds strange, sure but everything is real when your lying pretty much unconscious with nothing to do other than let your imagination run wild. Thus, dreams are real.

I went into the auditorium and walked to the stage. No one was here yet of course. It was only 6:00pm. But soon this room would be flooded with people. Why? Well, honestly I have no clue why they would actually want to come watch but they would be here to examine a dream. Not just any dream. A dream where everything that happens is real. One where if you die while in it you aren’t waking up. Where the pain actually hurts and the other crazy things disappear when you wake up. There would be one person, a dream expert, if you will, to go into this dream. This person is to go into the dream – with a camera, of course – and take the audience through what is happening. This person is risking everything to go into a different reality to let others experience the mystery of sleep. This person is me.

“Rachel what are you doing in here! Doors open in 15! Go make sure the SAB members know what’s happening.” Someone – I was guessing one of my supervisors shouted from the side door.
I gave one more glance at the empty seats and headed towards the door. I found the members wearing their brightly colored shirts and gave them orders on what they needed to do. Make sure people find a seat. Make sure all phones are silenced or off. Make sure the doors stay shut while I am ascending and descending into the dream. They all nodded and then went off to open the doors.

“Rachel! Come sit with us!” Turning around I saw Vanessa waving at me. She stood by Mariah and the twins, Chelby and Celest. Clearly the dream expert was suppose to be a surprise. 

“Okay!” We all headed into the auditorium. “How about we sit in the frontish area!”
“Umm… Why the front? Why not the middle or the back.” Celest motioned to the middle area.
“I don’t know I like the front.”
“The front is so close to the stage though. If they call on anyone it’s always the front and it’s always way to loud. Let’s sit in the middle.” Vanessa said as they all sat in the middle section.
I could feel myself getting nervous for some reason. I knew the dream expert was suppose to be a surprise and I didn’t want peoples eyes staring at me while I walked up stage. Sure, that sounds ridiculous. People are going to be watching me anyways but you don’t understand. While on stage there’s lights and you can hardly tell people are watching but while you’re walking to the stage you can feel their eyes pricing into you and you can hear their whispers. “Are you sure you guys don’t want to go a little closer?” 

“Why do you want the front so bad?” Chelby questioned.
“Because she’s always sitting in the front! When has she ever not wanted to sit in the front? Besides she opening the show.” Someone said swinging around from the row in front of us. It was Carissa.
“Wait, you’re suppose to open this?” Vanessa said enthusiastically.
Monique -who was sitting by Carissa- turned to look at us, “Obviously she’s opening this. She’s one of the people that planned it.”
“Okay…you guys stay here I guess. I’m only going to be sitting for a short time anyways.” I said as I headed towards the very front.
Soon I was on stage introducing what was about to happen. “Hello one and all and welcome of the first ever dream experience! Sit tight and watch as I travel into a different dimension where dreams are real! Who’s dream will I be going into you ask!? Well honestly I can’t give those details away. We after various dreamers-if you will- and when I am up there I shall be in one of their dreams.” The curtains flew open revealing a large oak tree that seemed to go higher than the building itself. “This necklace has a hidden camera so you can view what is happening via screen.” I said pointing to the large screens on both sides if the stage. Turning the camera on I started to make my way up the tree.
I made my way up branch after branch until I passed a thick fog. While in the fog I could hardly see anything but I kept climbing. Once I was out of the fog I could see that the tree was surrounded by a wooden platform. I found a place to put my hands and slowly lifted myself to my feet. As I did a sudden wave of discomfort filled me.
Looking around I examined where I was. The place seemed to lye on a canopy of some sort of jungle. A wooden platform wrapped around tree after tree. Some trees had ladders, others didn’t. It would have been beautiful if not for the destruction and ruin that festered within it. Ash, dead bark, scorched trees were everywhere. It was as if I had landed in a war zone. Clearly this had to be the reason for my all of a sudden discomfort but I part of me knew that it was something else. I stood still staring at the canopy of alive and dead trees. Life and death surrounded me. Suddenly it hit me. I had been here before. I remembered the same feeling of sorrow and fear at the sight of the ash and ruin. Only how could I have been here before? It wasn’t suppose to be my dream. I wasn’t sleeping. No, this had to be someone else’s. One of the test subjects sleeping in the other room but not me. But if if was one of their’s then how would they be dreaming the same thing I had. It didn’t make sense. My mind was spinning but if this was in fact a dream I had previously experienced I needed to get out.
I whipped around and put my foot on the branch. Taking a step back I felt a hand pulling me backwards. Instantly I knew who it was. This or at least something similar had happened before.
“Whoa, whoa. Who are you and where do you think you’re going?” A husky voice said. Looking around I saw that it was a young man in an old worn out leather jacket, tattered jeans, and dark hair. I couldn’t recognize him from being in my past dream but then again in that dream he changed from being either Dean Winchester to Neal Caffrey to your average smuck. This time it was no other then Dean.
“Umm…hello. My name is Rachel and I am here to help you defeat the governess.” Alright so first of all an audience of who knows how many people either don’t recognize who this is or they do and they’re freaking out I’m even talking to a real/fake Dean Winchester.
Instantly confusion yet annoyance flashed in his eyes. “Duck,” I said practically dragging him to the ground with me. Luckily dreams are a wonderful thing where scenery can change just enough to help. Just as if it had always been there large bushes of branches and shrubs appeared just barely hiding Dean and I from view. A large muscular man appeared heavenly armed. He walked through the area checking a few minor areas for intruders. After he left I turned around and let my head rest on the new shrubbery.
“What the hell. How did you know he was coming?” Dean questioned.
“I heard him? And also they seem to wonder around looking for people to capture or kill. Normally tends to be capture of course since the governess likes to both give and watch the death sentence.”
“Okay so if you’re on the rebellion’s side why haven’t I ever seen you? I know all the men- and women that serve to take the governess down.”
“Look if I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. But I do know what’s going to happen if you don’t listen to me.”
“Just tell me. I’m sure I’ve heard stranger.”
“Fine. This is a dream- well technically a someone’s dream and that particular someone being me. I was here before and I know what happens in the end of it.”
“What happens?” We had gotten up by now and I having been here before found myself leading us both towards a large dead tree.
“I die.” I said flatly. I die but not before seeing you and everyone else bow down to the governess. But how could I tell him that. If he though I died maybe he’d shut up and I could figure out a way to change the ending. I vaguely remembered that there was a way but when I was here last I was too late.
“Well that’s grim. What cha eat before you went to sleep? Razor blades? Or did you just decide to watch gloom and doom all night?” He said pulling me back behind another tree. A few more guards were walking around. Searching. But for what?
When the guards left I immediately went to where they were searching. More than a few burned down huts and other wreckage led me to believe we were in a small cast out village. Ashes coated, dirt, and blood covered the floor. Suddenly my head ached and a ringing sounded in my ears. I shut my eyes to block it out but as I opened then I saw that no longer were there scorched homes or ashen trees. People were standing in front of what appeared to be a makeshift stage. A tall Amazonian woman with long black hair stood on the makeshift stage, pistol in hand. Her mouth moved but all I could hear was the buzzing and ringing in my ears. Like I said before, dreams are real. In this dimension I was apart of the dream so when whoever slept-not too peacefully I assume from previous knowledge of once dreaming this same dream myself- was having a mental flash back my body felt like it had been transported in time. The only defect was the sound quality. I clasped my hands around them in hopes that the noise would stop but it didn’t. I watched as the governess seemed to be scolding-and quit harshly might I add- the audience of underfed and extremely under hygienic people. Then out of nowhere the crowd’s eyes slightly widened in utter terror. The governess pointed and the crowed stepped to either side leaving one person practically shaking out of their skin. Looking at this boy with red hair and shaking knees I realized I knew him. His name was Alec and was both Vanessa’s friend and a volunteered sleeper. His mouth moved slowly and I imagined his words shaking as vividly as his body. But before his mouth was still he burst into flames. Nothing was left of Alex. Nothing besides a scorched circle where his feet has been. I cringed in terror even though I had seen people been executed by the governess from when I had dreamt of this strange and horrible place. I looked back to the governess who stood in a way someone had stuck a stic-no a tree up her buttocks. As she began to speak the ringing in my ears got worse and my head began to spin.
Then I was back where I had stood before. In a pile of ashes.
“What are you searching for?” Called what I had expected to be Dean but soon realized was Neal Cafrey.
I shook my head. Maybe I had been searching for something but the suddenness of the flash back caused me to forget.
About an hour of dream time had passed and we found ourselves deep in the forest in a small tree house. Caffrey acted as though I knew why we where here but I didn’t. I tried hard to remember what had happened when I had dreamt this dream before but nothing came to me. The place seemed new yet I could feel the bubble of fear expanding in my chest.
I opened my mouth to ask Neal what we were waiting for but was cut short when an elder man with a tremendously long beard practically swung through the open window.
“Ah, Claudius it’s good to see you. What news can you give us?” Neal asked as he shook the old mans winkles hand.
“Neal. It’s good to see you alive too and I see you’ve met Rachel. I’ve been waiting for you.” He looked at me with a kind of knowing that made me feel more than uncomfortable. He began to give Neal instructions on where to go through the thick jungle. Then he whispered in his ear. After Neal looked at me with a glint of worry-no fear and then climbed out the window.
I started after him but was pulled back by Claudius. “Young one. Wait.”
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “Have we met or something?”
He reached for my forehead and with two fingers touched the crease between my eyes. My eyes widened and visions passed before them. I saw myself in this same room only I looked different. I seemed almost unreal as if it was a ghost version of myself. Neal stood in the corner as I talked to Claudius. We exchanged words quickly. With that I jumped through the window onto a vine. Timed seemed to flash by and I saw myself standing before the entrance to the Governess’s castle. Clearly attempting to make a sneak attack. I watched myself strategically maneuver past guards. I found my phantom self about to attack but as I moved into the main hall I heard a load and horrific scream. I ran into main room (thrown room?) where I saw Dean lying on the floor, blood gushing out of his chest. Phantom me threw a knife at the Governess. It pierced strait through her neck causing black blood to spew around it. She looked suprised but with a smile she pulled it out of her neck and threw it to the floor. Suddenly she stood right in front of me and with another smirk she thruster her hand into my chest, wrapping her fingers around my heart.
The vision blacked out and I was back in the small hut like tree house with Claudius. He had removed his fingers and was looking at me with grave sorrow in his eyes. “What the heck was that?” I asked knowing it to be the ending of my precious dream.
“This is how it ended last time. You had thought this a dream last time but now you must know that it is different. Some from your land have come but all have died and been sent back to your land. We once did the same to you and you got the closest to overthrowing the Governess. It was my fault you failed last time and it is our last chance that you might succeed this time. Go. Follow the same path but make sure that your partner does not enter with you. Then once in the thrown room use this staff to defeat the evil witch. It’s been carved out of the first tree ever planted in this forest. It contains the same magic that flows through the Governess. It is the only thing that will defeat her.” I grabbed the staff that seemed to magically appear in his hands. Then with a nod I climbed out the window. Filled with a mixture of confusion, courage, and determination.
I found myself following the same path that I had in the vision. We stopped to sleep -which I found utterly odd because this originally was meant as someone else’s dream.
It felt like I had blinked once but when I opened my eyes I was filled with afresh energy. I looked to see that Neal was now back to being Dean. We spoke little as we made the hike/climb/walk to the Governess’s tree palace. By the time we arrived the sun had started to set and we were practically drenched in sweat.
“I’ll take the back entrance and you go through the front. That way one of us will surprise her.”
He looked at me like I was ridiculous. “You need to stay here. I’m going in alone. Thanks for the guide.” I said in the most commanding tone I could come up with.
“Are you serious. How do you expect to slip past the guards and then defeat the Her with nothing but a staff. Are you joking?”
“No. But if you go in there both you and I will die. The mission will fail and this land will be subjected to Her probably forever. Trust me. I’ve been here before. You go in and we fail.”
He stared at me trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or not but after a moment backed down. “Alright. Whatever but I’m going to feel like a total pansy for letting a girl go in while I just sit here on my ass.”
“Good. If you see an explosion or whatever. Then feel free to see if I’m there or not. If I’m not then good. It worked and you and everyone else here is free. Otherwise I got no clue how you’re going to tell whose dead.”
“Oh. Good. Thanks for that.”
“Yup. Well like I said. Thanks for the guide through this tree like Mordor. Till next time.” I said and then ran closer to the back entrance.
Again I found myself slipping through the sights of idiot guards and killing others with a dagger Dean had given me when we first met. I found myself in the back of the thrown room. As I crouched in the shadows I honestly had no idea what I was suppose to do. Maybe stab her in the heart like the Winchesters would do? Or was I just suppose to hit her with it? Maybe hit the ground with a weird chant? Seriously, this was not what I had planned this dream to be. Originally I thought I’d just be strolling through someone’s mellon showing off a super cool invention I had made. But no, here I was in what had once been a previous dream of mine and now actually a different dimension about to kill an evil psycho witch. Yup, this is working out perfectly.
I had no idea what I was doing when I walked to the middle of the thrown room. The Governess sat on her thrown and just watched me. She just stared at me with a glint of curiosity in her evil eyes. Now here I stand, a huge staff in my hands basically waiting for her recognition.
“Do you expect I call my guards on you? I’m actually quit interested in what you have to say since I’ve never seen you before.” She said while picking at her nails as if she were utterly bored.
“Well technically if you called your guards no one would show since they’re all pretty much unconscious or dead.” I said trying to form a plan but like I said before I had no clue what the heck I was suppose to do. I couldn’t even comprehend how I was able to take down most of the Governess’s men.
“Humm…well congrats then. But don’t expect that you’ll leave here alive.”
“I don’t like expectations. They only cause disappointment and stress.”
“Good.” She said getting out of her thrown. Suddenly, she stood in front of me. “I’ll make this fair.” She said as a poll with razor sharp edges appeared in her hand.
We began fighting. She was able to give me a few good cuts and I was barely able to hit her maybe once. Clearly I was sucking at being the only person the people of this weird place could count on. Ten minutes must have passed until the staff in my hands snapped in half. The Governess smirked and struck my legs so I fell to the floor. As she raised her staff to the air for the final blow my own staff seemed to magically glue back together and come to my hand. Quickly I slammed it into her chest as hard as I possibly could. Her smirk broke and she let out a blood curdling scream. Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently and as the Governess burst into ashes I felt the ground dissolve around me. I began to hurtle down into what seemed to be oblivion.
That’s when I landed on the stage back in the auditorium. My heart was racing and I felt like my eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. My body was obviously going into shock. I forced myself to swallow and then bow as gracefully as I could. As I did what was left of the audience began to clap profusely. They stood and their ovation became loader and loader until I felt as if my ears were going to explode. I fell to my knees but still they clapped and screamed on. I felt the ground shaking with the vibrations of the noise. I shut my eyes, attempting to block out the piercing sound but when I opened them I was no longer on stage. Instead I found myself in an entanglement of covers, my phone going off like crazy trying to tell me it was time to go running.


Dang that was long! Congrats for getting through it! 👏


The Hallway Of Dreams

I woke up in bed the same way that a vampire awakens in their coffin. Everything seemed dimmer as if I was in a old thriller movie and as I got out of bed part of me knew something strange was happening. I put my slippers on to realize I was in a vintage night dress with my hair done like that of a 1940’s fashionista. ‘What’s happing?’ I thought to myself. I walked over to the bathroom and when I walked through the door I was suddenly dressed in a 40’s evening gown with a lace of pearls around my neck. I found myself putting make up on even though the inside of me had no idea what I was doing. It felt as if I were standing outside myself watching as I made up my face. Like a shadow I followed myself as I ascended down the stairs. When I reached the bottom I was no longer inside my home. Instead I found myself in a very extravagant restaurant with a young James Steward reaching for my hand. Gladly I took it and we walked to a distant table. 

We sat and ate the first course to what would become a very expensive meal. The entire time I felt outside myself, like the me sitting at that table was not me but just a figment of my imagination. I stood to her as a shadow and though she looked exactly like me and even talked like me, I had no control over her actions. What was going on? I had heard of out of body experiences but that normally only applied to when the person was dead. I stood by the table confused as waiters and other customers passed through me like I was just a spirt in observation. 

When the salad plates where picked up James got up and after giving 40’s me a kiss left to go to the facilities. When he was out of view 40’s me’s smile instantly dropped and her head turned sharp as if she had turned to stare directly at me. 

“What are you doing here?”She asked, the expression on her face the one my friends had deemed to be my death glare.

I stood there in utter shock. How could she see me? I thought she was me? My mind unraveled in questions of what was happening.

“Hello? I asked you a question. What are you doing here?”

“Uhhhh…I don’t know?” I said questionably.

40’s me rolled her eyes, “Well this isn’t the dream your suppose to be in. See, I’m already here so you obviously need to be somewhere else.”

Wait, dream? That would explain a lot I guess but I was still in utter confusion as to what was happening. “So where do I go then?” I asked hesitantly. 

Again she-or I guess I?- rolled her eyes, “Just go through that door and figure it out. Go now, James is coming back.” She said and instantly her face brightened and she smiled looking ahead at James who was heading back to the table.

I just stood there, unsure of where she pointed. She turned her head back to me, “What are you waiting for? Go.” She pointed quickly at the front entrance of the restaurant. 

I walked across the restaurant at first avoiding tables and waiters, but realized that I could easily pass through them. I reached the door and as I pushed it open I expected to see something strange but instead it just appeared to be the outside of the restaurant. Cars passed by, people were walking across the street, nothing strange seemed to be outside the door. Slowly I stepped through the door and like magic I found myself in a long and narrow hallway with doors lining the walls. I looked up to see that each door had a sign posted above the door frame. Some ran as such: ‘Supernatural’, ‘School’, ‘Secret Agent’, and etc. I tried to open a few of the doors but they were locked. As I walked further down the dark hallway I reached a door that had no sign and as I gripped the handle I realized it opened with ease. I stepped through and found myself in the lobby of my college dorm. 

“Rachel! Hurry up! Its almost time! They are going to initiate us.” Someone said to me but I could not figure out who it was.

They pulled my arm and we went outside to find that we were standing at the center of a very large crowd. All eyes on us. “Just stand still,” a guy standing to my right said under his breath. I stood there and looked out at the painted faces of the crowd around us. Most of the people were dressed in a very odd way. Each had various weapons either strapped to their backs or in their hands and they all wore tribal clothing. I glanced down to realize I too was in a tribal gown with various symbols lining the middle of the garment. I stood strait and watched as the people around us started chanting in an unfamiliar language. Then a loud thud sounded and the crowd parted to show a middle aged man with a feathered hat and large lion-kingish staff. 

He shouted in a strange language and his people shouted back to him. Then he pointed at us and hit the ground. After the loud thud sounded the people went berserk and left the square that we were standing in. 

“Ah, finally. They left. Did either of you have any clue what they were saying?” the girl which I know recognized as Genevieve Padalecki said sighing. 

“No idea, wait you don’t know what’s happening either?” I asked somewhat relieved that I wasn’t going insane. 

“Yeah, I don’t understand a lick. All I know is that we are dreaming and the only way not to get killed here is to pretend you know what’s happening. I was in this same dream the other day and saw a man get killed for speaking English. It was some Brit that started flipping out that he hadn’t any clue what was happening,” The guys standing by us said. 

“Wait, so we are all dreaming? How are we in each other’s dreams?” asked Genevieve. 

“That’s a question I would like answered too. Why don’t we explore or something? I came here through a door and maybe we could escape through a door.” I said turning around to see that we were no longer outside but in a very large open spaced building. 

“Wow, we didn’t even move,” gasped Genevieve. 

“Yeah, that happens a lot,” sighed the guy.

Another random guy appeared from behind a pillar, “What are you guys doing here?! You need to leave before he comes back! If he sees you here he’ll be convinced that you guys are criminals!” The random guy ran down the steps and stood before us. 

“Who are you?” I squinted.

“That doesn’t matter! You need to run, like right now.” He said trying to push us in the direction of the door. 

We started running to the door but it was too late. The feather hatted man walked through the door and as he saw us banged his large stick on the ground five times. This seemed to cause multiple guards to pile through what I know realized was the thrown room. 

“This is getting a little too hot for my tastes. Peace out!” the guy that had been standing near me stated and with that he disappeared. 

“How did he do that!?” Genevieve questioned.

“No idea but we need to get out of here! Like, NOW!” I said grabbing her hand and running. As we ran the ground below us turned into gravel. We ended up running with crowds of people at either side of us shouting angry chants and throwing rocks at us. Guards still followed, throwing various weapons as they did. 

Suddenly, Genevieve fell to the ground. She screamed out in pain and as our eyes met her imaged flickered and she was gone. Now it was just me running from an angry mob of who know’s what type of people. ‘This is a dream!’ I repeated over and over in my head. ‘I need to be like that other guy and just wake up. JUST WAKE UP.’ I then realized what I had to do. I stopped running and turned around. Then as loud as I could shout I yelled back at the mob chasing me. My voice was not recognizable. I spoke in their tongue and though I had no idea what I said the weapons and rocks stopped. The feather hatted man walked forward and with one bang of his stick thing I found myself back in my bed. 

A Babysitter’s Nightmare

The moon was still out but slowly falling back into the horizon. I followed by moon light the various cracks in the road. My feet peddled hard causing a new days air to brisk my face. Though it was hot and dry the air felt cool on my neck. I looked at my watch, 5:20am. Still had ten minutes before I had to be there. As I rode down the road I thought of how mad my mother would be if she knew I was riding my bike so early in the morning.
“Rachel! What are you thinking riding your bike when no one can see you!? Someone can hit you and they probably wouldn’t stop since you wouldn’t be able to get their license…” She’d say and then go off on a tangent on safety. I mean I knew I was safe. I was after all only going a few miles to my old neighborhood to babysit, and I was wearing a helmet. Why should she worry?
I rode on and admired the dark clouded sky. Only a few stars broke through the blackness but it was still beautiful to look at. I couldn’t imagine the endless darkness beyond planet earth. How many stars were out there? Maybe even whole universes that we didn’t know about. Though I felt small trying to imagine it I also felt memorized by the glory of it. I lost track in my thoughts and found myself already riding into my old neighborhood.
I turned down the street, and as I did I felt a sudden chill of paranoia run up my back. Was there someone watching me? I turned my head but no one was there. Suddenly, I saw a large car coming around the opposite corner. I rode quickly to the door of the person I was to babysit for. I hid my bike in the bushes and ran for the front door, banging loudly as the paranoia turned into fear.
The door slid open and I pushed myself through. Mrs. Hudson looked at me curiously but went back into the kitchen to finish doing whatever it was she was doing. I ran for the front window and barley peeked through the blinds.
Outside the huge car (what seemed to be a fire truck) was sitting in park in the middle of the road. A large bulky man appeared dragging something very long. As he went passed a street lamp I could tell it was a small boat. His veins in his arms were predominant from dragging such a heavy object but he did so with out so much a single drop of sweat. He left the boat directly in front of the fire truck. Suddenly, a figure of what appeared to be another man started to get out of the boat. Though he attempted he was shot down by a blow to the head from muscles who stood over him probably growling under his breath or doing whatever scary muscle men do.
As he walked back to his firetruck he glanced towards my direction and I found myself dropping the blinds letting a small screech pass through my trembling lips. I should have stopped watching but curiosity got the better of me. Again I peered through the blinds. The man had gotten into the firetruck. As he revved the engine the truck seemed to nay like a sturdy steed, going up on its back tires as the front tires prepared for speed. Then the truck went full power running over the boat until it was nothing but broken and bloodied wood.
I could feel the terror surging through me. I knew I should have dropped the blinds or at least called for help but every part of me was frozen. I could not compel myself to move a muscle until I found muscles standing outside the truck staring directly at me. A knowing expression that I had witnessed everything on his grim face.
“Okay, we’ll probably be back around 10:30. The kids are sill sleeping but will be up -” I jolted around to see Mrs. Hudson and Mr. Hudson coming from out of the kitchen. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
I tried to speak but my mouth was dry. “I-I- did you not hear any of that! A man just got murdered outside!” I stammered frantically pointing fiercely in the direction of what had just happened.
“What are you talking about. What noise?”
“A guy just ran another dude over with his car! Multiple times!”
“Okay…like I was saying the kids will be awake around 8. You can sleep on the coach till then or watch TV.”
“Are you even listening!? I’m pretty sure he saw me watching. What if he comes here!? We need to get the kids out of here!”
“Calm down Rachel. Just stay here and we’ll be back by 10:30,” Mr. Hudson said grabbing his car keys from the hook.
“See you later and make sure the kids are safe!” They called walking out the door, leaving me with my jaw agape and motionless. As they drove off I saw muscle man staring at me from the house across the street. When the car was out of view he started making his way towards me.
I could feel my eyes widen and the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I felt frozen to the floor but I managed to close the door. I had to get the kids out of the house. I broke into a sprint and as I raced up the stairs I could hear fiddling with the door. I reached the rooms and heard the door open. He was here. I ran into the bedroom but as I went to the beds my head started ringing. The noise pounded on my head and I fell to the floor. Through the ringing I could hear muscles coming up the stairs. Looking up at the bed I saw the kids still sleeping in their beds. Suddenly, a searing white light blinded me and I shot up in my bed entangled in covers.

The Doctor Is Real

As some of you may know I love Doctor Who so it shouldn’t be too surprising that I had a dream concerning the Doctor…

Some of my friends from college and I were going to a huge Doctor Who convention. We waited all day to get a good spot in line so we could be the first ones in when it opened. Upon entering the convention we were struck with how dull it seemed. Tables formed a circle around the middle of the very large open lay-outed building. On the tables were various information about the show but nothing special. Honestly, we were all a taken back by how little work was put into the convention.

While talking a load noise sounded from the roof. Suddenly, the roof opened and in came none other then the Doctor’s greatest foe, the Daleks. Everyone began cheering. What seemed like special affects was amazing. Maybe the convention wasn’t such a bust after all.
The Daleks started shouting their usual buff ‘EXTERMINATE!’ But before they could kill or I mean exterminate anyone in comes the Doctor (10 to be exact).

“Stop-wait!” He runs from the entrance to the middle of the room. And then BAM the action starts. I can’t remember fully what happened but the Doctor was able to defeat the Daleks.
The crowd roared with excitement and began clapping for the Doctor. This was the most amazing show the convention had ever put on. The Doctor smiled and waved but I could see that his eyes gave a hint of confusion. He then ran to the back exit and like any normal person I followed him.
“Where are you going?” my friend Emily asked.
“Have to use the loo!” I shouted taking off into a run. I ran as fast as I could and shoved my way through the back doors. I had barley made it in time. The Doctor was getting in his TARDIS so I shouted nearly out of breath “WAIT! HOLD ON!”
He looked back at me with an intrigued expression.
“You’re real?!” I shouted, practically gasping.
He stepped into the TARDIS and before the doors closed gave me a smile and winked. With that the doors closed and the TARDIS began to disappear.
I stood there in utter shock. Was I seeing things correctly? I rubbed my eyes and slapped my hand just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. (I mean I was, but dream Rachel didn’t know that…) I remembered all the times my friends and I had joked that the Doctor was real, but now that I knew he was I didn’t know what to think. All I knew then was that I had to tell my friends.
I ran back to them. They were all talking over one of the tables that displayed the history of Gallifrey.
“Guys! Guys!” I said, completely out of breath.
“Geez. What’s wrong? I thought you just had to go to the bathroom?” Emily said.
“I need to tell you something and you’re going to think I’m crazy.”
“Don’t worry, we already think that.” Emily said smiling.
“No, shut up. I mean, yeah but really crazy.”
“Did a person in the bathroom fart a lot and then turn into a slitheen?” Daniel asked.
“Umm…no. Seriously. You need to listen.”
“Guys just let her talk already.” Petter said.
“The Doctor is real! I just saw him leave in his TARDIS only five minuets ago.”
“You’re joking right?” Someone said. (Can’t remember who.)
“No. Seriously. Those Daleks were real too. Didn’t you hear the TARDIS?”
“Rachel. We’re at a Doctor Who convention the TARDIS sound plays like every 15 minutes.”
“No, but it was THE TARDIS!” I pleaded feeling a little more crazy than normal.
“Yeah. Yeah. Sure. The Doctor is real and so are those joes from Supernatural.” They laughed.
I tried pleading more with them but they only snickered and started to make fun of me. “Fine. You know what. Whatever. I know he’s real and I don’t care if you don’t but I’m leaving. I don’t need to be laughed at for what I know is real!” I snapped.

As I left I heard some of them calling for me to come back. That they were just teasing me but I was too upset. How could no one believe me? I mean sure it was far fetched but would a small convention like this one spare no expense to get a Doctor look a like and hundreds of Daleks costumes for a show. And then not even pay for the Doctor look a like to stay and sign autographs. Not likely.
When I got back to my room I sat on my bed contemplating what I had just witnessed. Maybe I was going crazy. But I knew what I saw and I could not convince myself otherwise. After a few minutes or so I heard the dorm door open and multiple voices. I went to the main living space to see a party going on.
“Look Rachel. Sorry we didn’t believe you. But seriously he’s not real. But if you say he is sure we’ll believe you. Now come on join the party! Best Doctor Who convention ever!” Either Emily or Taylor said (can’t remember which). I sat on the couch, drink (H2O) in hand, still not happy that I was made a fool. After a while Peter came up to me.
“Look we need to talk,” he said rather serious.
“Okay…” I said, “what is it?”
“No. I mean, not here. Can we leave or go in the other room?” He asked, looking to see if anyone was listening.
With a questioning glare I got up and followed him outside.
“Okay. What is it?”
“Look. What you said about the Doctor,” I began to roll my eyes. “No, I believe you. In fact, I know he’s real too.”
“Are you serious? You knew and you acted like I was off my rocker just like the rest of them! Why didn’t you speak up!?”
“I couldn’t. Look the world. It’s not ready to know that the Doctor is real. At one time the Doctor thought it was but people started freaking out. He became the world’s most wanted just because he was an alien. There were a few people that knew the Doctor was a hero and so they started Torchwood.”
“So that’s real too? Why do they have a show about it then?” I questioned surprised at what I had just heard.
“It’s because Torchwood needed to make the Doctor just a myth. Something that people could think wasn’t true even though the Doctor helps us all the time. When something major happens Torchwood cleans it up. Makes it look like it was the cause of a war or that something, anything other than what really happened. The world just isn’t ready to learn that there’s others out there. This is why it needs to be kept a secret. Here, take this so you’ll believe me.” He said handing me a Torchwood business card.
“They have their own business cards yet they’re a secret agency?” I said questioningly.
“It’s for when people like you and I realize that the Doctor is real. Others just think I have it as a joke or because I watch Torchwood but it’s real. There was one time I saw the Doctor and he gave me this. It’s so I can help people come to terms. Just call them. They’ll explain more.” He said.
With that we started heading back to the party. As we walked inside the doors I found myself suddenly sitting in my bedroom back at home. Dazed I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone. 9:30am, it had all been a dream.

Supernatural: Gypsies, Tramps, & Thieves

Okay so I had a dream last night that was basically a Supernatural episode. I don’t exactly remember all the details so it may sound slightly confusing. Sorry for that.

Dean and Sam where in a grocery store tracking down a shapeshifter. They went in to get the shapeshifter and bring him back to their car, but as it so happened the shape shifters of course changes itself into Dean. Shapeshifter Dean then goes into full robber mode (not knowing Sam and Dean are in the store) and locks down the store. Sam and Dean find a way to make it so the shapeshifter doesn’t know they’re in the store.
While they’re hiding and planning what to do they make some wicked awesome commentary that I sadly cannot remember. Then cue the awesome music while Dean and Sam somehow kill shapeshifter Dean. Which is of course seen by someone who then freaks the freak out. While the store is in flow blown craziness Sam and Dean run out.
(Warning this is the part of my dream I should have started questioning.) For some reason the Impala is not in the parking lot and Sam has to go get it while Dean has to carjack someone else. (Why couldn’t they both just go get the Impala?) Dean finds himself stealing the most ghetto car ever (it was a small black car that had lifted tires and a painted purple stripe on the sides. The inside had black leather with and embroidered lion’s head and chains on the mirror. And when Dean turned the car on rap music started playing.) Dean then says something hilarious and pulls out. He is then chased by a cop car until he gets to a beach parking lot where he is met by Sam laughing by the Impala. (Cop is MIA) They both then go into this room and come out looking like women?!
“Are you serious man?” Dean whines.
“Look, they know our faces. We need to be inconspicuous.” Sam says all annoyed like.
They then start walking – in heels no less – to the board walk of the beach. Where they then have to be scanned by police just to be let through.(what, where there so many fights on the beach that they had to check for weapons know?). Oh and just to add more weirdness, they had to walk through this tube thing that sanitized them because you know the beaches must be kept clean.
Well anyways, one of the coppers stops girl Dean and asks if he knows her. He replies in the most feminine voice I could imagine that he hasn’t. But the cop gives her a weird look until smirking, “Aren’t you Jasmine? Don’t you work at the Sexy Leopard or something?”
Dean looking like he is about to punch the lights out of the copper is pulled back by girl Sam. “Ah, you caught us. But Jasmine here doesn’t like to hear bout work much when she’s on her own time. Well, bye now.” (Don’t forget this is in like the worst girl voice ever that my brain could come up with.)
They then walk away as Dean says some snarky remark and Sam rolls his eyes.
They walk to some bar/club on the beach where they are greeted and flirted with by very large black men. As they walk in Dean whispers to Sam “I feel so violated! Will these guys never stop!” (Or somewhere along those lines.)
They then go to the bar where they say some secret code and are let into the very back. A gypsy lady is sitting on a pillow humming. The boys, excuse me, girls sit awkwardly in front of her. The gypsy tells them some sketch stuff about their brother Adam. Who is still alive? They then get up but not before getting some strange talisman. They leave and then who shows up? Well no other then our favorite, Castiel! (Yay!)
“I–Why do you two look like hairy ladies?” He says looking quite bewildered.
“Don’t ask.” Dean says practically growling.
They then go of the boardwalk and magically are normal again. (Man that cop really didn’t care about searching for where Dean went…) They talk some more about Adam and the weird talisman. Finally they get into the Impala and drive away as some BA music plays in the background.

Welp, I woke up after that and thought ‘Wow! That would have been an interesting episode!’ Maybe it’d be interesting but it sure would be weirder than any episode they have ever done. And that’s saying a lot.

The Leviathan

This is a dream (nightmare?) I had for technically had the past few nights. Each night I would dream only part of the story. I was going to write it down the first night I had it but part of me decided to wait. Good thing too because the next night I continued where I had left off. Well enjoy:

“David!” I called staring at the creepy clown that stood juggling near the high striker. I couldn’t help staring at him. He was like every other clown I’d seen. White painted face, big red nose, small hat, frizzy blue hair that formed a U on his head, and of course large red shoes. Really, there was nothing different about him but part of me felt nauseous looking at him. Like something wasn’t right but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
I snapped back into reality and turned my head to see my cousin David running over from one of the games where instead of stuffed animals fish were the prize.
“Did you win?” I asked. For some reason I started to feel paranoia make its way into my thoughts. I glanced back expecting the creepy clown to be gone but to my relief he was still there juggling away.
“No. But I can if you give me one more ticket!” He said pouting.
“Dave we don’t have many tickets left. Don’t you want to ride some of the cool rides we saw coming in?” I said grabbing his hand. I glanced back again looking around at the people passing by. Nothing was out of the ordinary but the hairs on the back of my neck said otherwise.
“But I want a fish!” David started to whine adding one stomp to emphasize his need to win a fish.
“No Dave. I think we should go on one of those rides over there and then maybe we can come back. Okay?” I said rushing out my words. I hardly gave him time to answer as I hurried away from the creepy clown and into a crowd of people walking to the rides.
Dave let go of my hand and ran towards the bumper cars. Again, I found myself looking around at the faces of the crowd. My hands felt clammy and I mentally tried convincing myself that I was going crazy. That I needed to calm down and have fun with my cousin.
“Rachel! Rachel!” David called from the end of the bumper car line.
“You want to ride this one? I’m not sure if you’re going to be tall enough but you can try.” Convincing myself that nothing was wrong wasn’t working. Every part of me screamed that I needed to run but I didn’t.
We got to the front of the line. The conductor stepped down from his small booth and switched with another man wearing an old styled carnival hat. His smile gave me the chills but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He seemed so familiar but I told myself I’d never seen him in my life.
“Step right up folks! Young and old! This will be the ride of a life time! You may think this is just bumper cars but oh, it’s so much more!” He yelled. I could feel David tugging on me with excitement but I on the other hand felt like I was going to vomit. Where had I seen this man before? 

“This ride is how ever many tickets you want it to be! You want it to be free be my guest BUT you will have no chance of winning this prize!” He yelled holding up a black box with a question mark on it. “There are only seven cars so make sure you get in line now! The ride will start in two minuets!”
David pulled on my sleeve. I looked down at him to see that he had half of his tickets left in his hands. “I’m going to give him this many! I bet I’ll win then!”
“That sounds like a great plan! I’ll be rooting for you!” I said smiling down at him. I looked up to see three teenage boys behind me and prayed that David would accept his defeat without getting too upset or that the teenagers would go easy on David and let him win.
David walked up to the conductor and handed him eight of his tickets. The conductor gave him a crocked smile and let him inside to pick his car. Suddenly I was reminded of where I had seen that smile before.
I was at work late (I worked at the headquarters of a large food corporation) and as I got ready to leave I heard a noise coming from the CEO’s office. Was someone else working as late as me? I thought. I could have sworn that other than the 24 hour patrol officer I was the last one in the building. Part of me knew I should have just left but curiosity got the beter of me. I slowly made my way to Dick’s (the CEO) office. For some reason I knew to avoid the cameras and stay out of view from the guard standing right inside the doorway. Staying low to the ground I peeked inside the crack of the closed blinds. Dick was leaning on his desk, arms crossed. Though I couldn’t exactly see who was in the hot seat I guessed that it was Brad from marketing. I remembered his dirty blond hair and too tight suit jacket from all the times he had flirted with me over the years. Brad was on his knees and from the sound of it he was practically crying.
“Please give me a second chance.”
Maybe the sales were down and he was getting fired? I thought to myself but I knew that wasn’t the case.
“I didn’t know they were going to do that. I swear! Don’t you believe me?” He begged.
Dick looked down at him and gave him his iconic crocked smile. “Of course I do. But you see we can’t afford mistakes like that. Now if you will, sit.” He motioned towards the chair in front of his desk.
Brad stood and staggered backwards until he was sitting on the chair.
“Sir, please. I’ve been one of your best men. Please. Not the bib.” He said looking to the right of Dick. I assumed someone else was in the room but it was hard to tell who.
“I’m not going to bib you!” Dick laughed.
“Oh thank god!” Brad cried. “I won’t fail you-”
Dick motioned for him to stop talking. “Like I said I’m not just going to let you go.”
“B-but I though-” he stammered.
“Why waste a perfectly good snack?” He said loosening his tie. I knew I should’ve looked away but I was frozen in place. Suddenly, Dick’s mouth seemed to transform. His jaw unhinged and he opened it wider than humanly possible to reveal long, razor sharp teeth. He then walked over to Brad and sunk his monstrous teeth into his throat, ripping his skin off like it was nothing. He proceeded to eat Brad and as he did I felt every bone in my body shiver. My stomach turned and if I had had anything in it I’m sure it would have come up. I began to shake violently but there was no time to freak out. I had to get out of the building before it was too late. Slowly I made my way back to my desk. I grabbed my purse and made my way to the elevator. Frantically I tried closing the doors but it was too late. Dick’s office guard saw me as he passed. Although I tried to hide the utter terror that I felt, my expression no doubt confirmed that I had witnessed my boss devour my coworker. As soon as the elevator doors opened I sprinted towards the lobby doors. Looking behind me as I ran outside I saw Dick standing in the doorway with that same crocked smile on his face.

I flashed back into reality. The conductor (AKA monster Dick) must have noticed that I recognized him because he stared strait at me. His face may have appeared happy and innocent but his eyes seemed to burst into flames. I looked as the teenagers walked into the bumper car arena and as they did they glanced back and flickered an evil smirk. Though their eyes didn’t turn black nor did they show any signs of having vangs I knew that they were the same type of monster as Dick. I called to David my voice barely cracking. 

“David come here real fast!” I motioned for him to come near me. Glancing back at Dick his smirk turned to curiosity. 

David was just about to get into a car when he looked up. “Why!” He yelled back, clearly annoyed.
“Just come here!” I shouted. Trying to sound like I wasn’t about to be slaughtered by a freakish man-eating monster.
David thankfully ran back over to me, and with a stomp of his leg crossed his arms as if ready to throw a fit if needed.
What was I going to say? It’s not like a five year old would understand that we need to leave the carnival because we were going to be killed. I leaned down so that we were eye level. “Look Dave. I need to tell you something very important but I’m not sure you will be able to handle it. It’s top secret.”
Curiosity began to flicker in his eyes. “What?” He said loudly. Dick looked at us cautiously.
“I don’t know if I should be telling you. Are you sure you want me to?” I said trying to make whatever I wanted to tell him cool and important sounding. 
“What?! Tell me!” He said with bright eyes.
“Keep it down Dave. This is top secret.”
“I wanna know! I’m a big kid. Please tell me.” He said. His voice slightly raising as he finished each sentence.
“Okay. But you gotta promise to keep it secret.”
“I promise.”
“Okay. I’ll tell you but you can’t freak out or anything. I’m a secret agent for the government and we need to leave because there is something very important going on that I need to be there for.”
David looked at me with excitement searing through his eyes. “You’re a spy?” He said barley whispering.
“Yes. And I need you to help me with my next mission. Would you like to do that Dave? Be a spy?” I said. I could feel the deadly glare coming from Dick and his teenage crew. My hands were shaking but I couldn’t afford to rush Dave or he might start a fit in which would end in both of our immediate deaths.
“Would that mean I could be like a superhero?” He said with excitement.
“Yes. But we would need to leave right now and act as though nothing is wrong. We can’t let anyone else think we are doing anything out of the ordinary.”
“Cool!” He said smiling. Relief swept over me for only a brief moment. I was thankful for his dream of being a super hero and that he was going to leave with me calmly. Now I prayed that we would be able to leave.
I stood up and grabbed his hand. “Hey, sorry but I just got a text and we gotta hit the road. Keep the tickets though.” I said to Dick in the most relaxed voice I could manage. He looked at me and smirked. His eyes seemed angry and I knew that he knew what I was trying to do.
Quickly Dave and I rushed into the crowd. How many people were monsters? I thought to myself as I practically ran, dragging Dave along with me. How in the world did Dick know I was here? It had been a month since that horrible night and I was on the other side of the US. He couldn’t have possibly followed me or so I had thought. I had destroyed all my credit/debit cards and had gotten a new phone and license plates. There was no way he would be here. I hadn’t even said a word to anyone. How could I? It’s not like anyone would believe that the CEO of one of America’s leading food industry would be eating his employees for doing what? Dropping sales numbers. As I thought this Dave and I raced towards the one exit. I found myself looking backwards at each chance I got but no one was following us. Had I just imagined that the ride conductor what Dick?

Finally we were at the exit. We passed through the gates and once we were a few yards away from them I looked back to see the creepy clown standing near the entrance. He frowned at me and began to wave. Our eyes locked for a second and when I looked back Dick was standing right in front of me. It was too late to stop and my momentum caused me to run straight into him causing me to fall backwards. Only I never hit the floor. Instead I found myself falling backwards into a black hole. Dave was no longer with me. In fact, I was surrounded by complete and utter blackness. My heart was pounding and I began to hyperventilate. Suddenly, I landed flat on my back and I found myself entangled in a mess of covers. I shot up and breathing heavily I realized I was in my bedroom. Although I still felt my hands shaking I began to come to terms that it was all a dream and that none of it was real. 

Dog Toys and Babies

Do you ever have a dream in which someone makes you incredibly angry and you wake up mad at them? Well that’s the type of dream I had the other night.

Please note: I cannot remember how the exact story but I will do my best to.

I was packing up my college dorm when I got a phone call from my sister’n’law Danielle. She sounded panicked and gave me a time and place that I needed to meet her at. I informed her that I would be on my way as soon as I finished packing up my dorm. After hanging up the phone I found that I was in an airport waiting for my luggage. (Can’t real transportation be like that? Where there’s no need for cars and all you do is think of where you need to be…) My phone rings. Danielle frantically questions where I am and I reassure her that I’m on my way to the disclosed location. I rent a car and follow the instructions she had given me until I find myself on the third story of a parking garage. 

Danielle is by her car pacing back and forth. I realize my brother Jack is there, leaning against the wall of the garage. 

“Sup,” He motions his head as I walk over. 

“Rachel!” Danielle exclaims. 

“Yup, what’s so important you wanted me to fly out to Texas and then drive to this random parking garage for?”

“I need you’re help!” 

“Yeah, and what might you need my help with??” Of course I would help but things started seeming sketchier by the minute and I wasn’t sure if I was prepared to break the law. 

She walks over to her car’s trunk and thoughts of dead bodies appear in my mind. As she opens the trunk I hold my breath. She pulls out a bag and opens it up to reveal an assortment of dog toys. 

“I bought all this stuff and Thomas (my other brother/her husband) is going to kill me!” 

I can feel my eye twitching, “Wait, so I came all the way down here for dog toys?”

“Yeah?” She says with a look of confusion. “I was going to ask Jack if he could drive it down to my house and pretend it was a present for me but he can’t take leave so I called you.”

For some reason this makes complete and utter sense to me… “Ah, I see. Well how do you suppose I drive down to Cali when I rented this car?”

“I can take you.”

Again, this makes complete sense, I mean obviously she’d drive all the way from Texas to Cali for dog toys.

“Okay,” we both get in the car and start driving. (I’m not sure what happened to Jack but he’s gone.) After a while of driving we arrive at her house. 

“We’ll both go in and you pretend like the dog toys are a present you brought with you.” She says as she gets out of the car.


We enter into the foyer (remembering my dream now I have no idea whose house we were even in…) and Thomas is sitting on a couch holding a baby.

I put the stuff down in utter shock “Who’s baby is that?”

Danielle gives me a weird look, “Oh, I forgot to mention I had a baby a few months ago.” Thomas walks over and gives the baby to Danielle. (He pretty much disappears after that.) 

“You had a baby and forgot to mention it to me!!” I can feel myself heating up.

“Well I thought about it but decided not to. Anyways I don’t think you should be here anymore. Thanks for the help with the dog toys.” She says starting to walk off into another room.

“Are you kidding?! I can’t even hold her-him-it?!”

“No. I don’t want you to hold her. Well, by.” She says motioning me to the door.

At this point I am furious. I open my mouth to say something but suddenly everything starts turning black. The walls are caving in and noise starts to blare through the images of walls and blackness. I wake up feeling angry at Danielle. Sitting up I take a deep breath and tell myself that it was a dream. I look back at the messages I had gotten from her from the night before and thank God that she would never be like the Danielle from my dream. 

There was more to the dream and about the baby but I can not remember exactly how it went…